We are an English-speaking association of women living in or
Some of us are newcomers to Barcelona, others have permanently transplanted ourselves, and a few of us trace our roots back for generations. Our range of nationalities, ages, and unique experiences create a vibrant club environment that is constantly evolving.
Membership Benefits
- You’ll be part of a social club of women committed to enjoying and engaging with this fabulous city we call home – Barcelona!
- A standing invitation to coffee every Wednesday where you’ll meet English-speaking women from around the world. If you’ve got a question or need advice on life in Barcelona, you’ll find plenty of women to help. Once a month we have guest speakers. From the British consulate talking about life in Spain post-Brexit to art history lectures to the basics of computer security… we have topics you’re sure to find interesting.
- Access to guided tours of the latest cultural exhibitions, hands-on craft classes, lunches in the city, book discussions and more.
- Exclusive use of an English-language library located in a quiet enclave of Casa Orlandai,
- You’ll have the opportunity to work with a group of women committed to giving back to those less fortunate than us. Since the inception of IWCB, philanthropy has been one of our core pillars. Each year we plan events to raise money for a specific charity voted upon by the membership.
If you like what we have to offer, Join Us!
Join us for coffee!

Every Wednesday, we host a coffee from 11am to 1pm at Casa Orlandai, the cultural center next to Sarria’s main ‘Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat’ (FCG) station. We meet in Sala Foix on the first floor and have a welcome desk to greet newcomers.
Keep updated!
To follow and share our Club’s activities visit our Activities Page and follow us on social media: Facebook and Instagram